Erewash Meadows sighting reported by Dave Sneap

Erewash Meadows sighting reported by Dave Sneap

July has started quietly.

I think the last report from late June was meant to be a case of 'save the best to last' idea, but the last, an adult Ruff was forgotten until the 'send icon' had been clicked. This Ruff was found on the large expanse of drying mud and loosely associating with the post-breeding Lapwing flock on the 29th. It still retained some of its breeding plumage including black feathers of the remnants of his headdress & collar. Unfortunately it appeared to depart shortly after being found when the Lapwing flock took fright for some unknown reason as Lapwings often do. July has started quietly with an Oystercatcher on 1st, Grey Partridge including a chick (SB) odd Snipe and 60 plus Lapwings most visits. Little Owls have reappeared now that the young have left their nests. A female Tufted Duck with 5+ n. h. y showed on 1st, but not seen since and finally the first Green Sandpiper of the autumn was seen from the rail-side footpath yesterday (9th).