Sightings blog - Week Starting 18th October 2021

Sightings blog - Week Starting 18th October 2021

Your wildlife life sightings in Derbyshire in the week starting 18th October

This week you recorded seeing three of our feathered friends in Derbyshire. We’ll start off in Derby where a few little egrets were spotted, this species’ numbers dived in 19th century when their long neck feathers were more valuable than gold until new laws were brought in to protect them. Further north near Belper a red kite was seen, this species was also persecuted but instead for its perceived threat to game birds, dogs and cats when in reality they are largely scavengers and only take small prey such as rabbits. Further north still in the Peak District near Curbar a yellowhammer was spotted, this sparrow-sized farmland bird, whose numbers have sadly declined in recent years, will flock together with buntings, finches and sparrows in the winter to feed on seeds on farmland.

If you want to learn more about wildlife or are looking some fun activites the whole family can enjoy we are running several events between now and the end of the year and even have some planned for the first few months of 2022! For more information go to

We edge closer to November are looking forward to reading about your wildlife sightings across Derbyshire. To submit your own sighting and be featured in a future blog go to

Thank you to J. Lamzed, Lee Jones and Jane Henderson Hirst for submitting their wildlife sightings.